Friday, August 20, 2010

return to the beach

We went back to the beach today. I meant to have another, six months later, family picture, but the camera died (and has been miraculously resurrected thank you!) when that moment came. Instead, caught on camera, is the moment my husband almost lost my firstborn to the sea. He kept a firm grip though, so we get to keep her.

Here is my patient husband riding the waves with Kiddo. She wasn't so sure at the beginning. By the end we couldn't keep her out. Each time I'd call them in (with a worried stare at her increasingly blue lips) she'd head back out - without us (he'd catch up). I finally said "enough" and we came home.

So once again the beach was a major success for my sweet girl. I did largely the same thing I did last time, dip my toes while holding the baby. (It was easier last time though, she was better contained.)