Thursday, December 10, 2009

a low moment in parenting

My room, which has a hardwood floor, has a healthy layer of dust around the edges. It seemed to appear overnight a few days ago, and I haven't been able to convince myself to clean it up before the big clean for the move. This morning, I wished I would have made a different decision.

I was getting dressed, and Kiddo was in the room with me. She headed to a pile of dust, I thought to pick up a piece of paper that was mixed in. I wasn't thrilled about that, but at least it kept her busy while I changed. A moment or so later I saw her pulling her hand out of her mouth. What?! Was she really eating dust? How gross was that?

As I reviewed my options, realizing that dirt could not easily be extracted, she said "Tandy. Mo pease." And I'm not sure which is worse. That she found a piece of candy (a nerd) in the dirt and was eating that, or eating the dirt. Note to self: clean more often in the new place.