Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"No Ebil!"

Did I mention we're going through a big Toy Story 3 kick? There is something about watching (parts of) a movie daily that gives you a lot of time to reflect on it.

This time I try to think about watching movies with a kid's grasp of fantasy and reality. Each time they watch it, they seem to truly believe that the outcome might be different if they cheer on the characters appropriately. Yet, they are soothed by knowing what comes next, and talk about the next step. I can't get into their heads.

Babs especially likes the first five minutes, where we see Cinderella's castle, then they have the train scene. In case you haven't watched recently (or ever) first we see Mr. Potato Head. Babs announces "Here's Mister!" I love that she thinks his title is a name. Even better, further on in the scene, Evil Dr. Porkchops is narrated in, and each time Babs yells "No Ebil! Don't do it!" I always smile.