Wednesday, June 27, 2012

essence of Kiddo

Kiddo was improvising a song the other day, as she often does. The chorus centered around the line
"because I'm a happy girl!"

That is truly who she is. She finds joy in life. She loves to laugh and be silly. She likes to say clever things and have fun. In fact, her set prayer, the one she prays five times a day currently, is simply "thank you that we can have fun. Amen."

And in case this wasn't enough to convince me that she's a truly happy child, we had the following experience at church: She was really acting up with another girl, and I told them if they didn't stop, they couldn't participate in the activity later, and that would make them sad. (Yes, I really told four year olds that. Like they understand that line of consequences...) Kiddo looked at me seriously, then sad, "But then I would still be happy." And I think she would.