Tuesday, May 17, 2011

tick tock

I think that once you've blogged for a while, it is hard to experience life as it is, and instead find yourself constantly thinking up snappy titles for your life (or what you wish were snappy titles), and composing your experiences as if to share them with others.

Currently, I feel as if my life is entitled: Move to nowhere.

But I can't think of anything clever or profound to say about it, because I'm terrified, and somewhat shell shocked. And maybe really tired and a little, okay a lot, frustrated. How else should I feel about moving back in with my parents, even though I have a husband and two kids? And although I am sure that my husband will find a job (the Spirit has assured me of this, and that we will be fine, more times than I deserve), but my husband hasn't found work yet, and that holds a little more concern than it used to, especially because our branch is filled with people who have been out of a job for months or even years? Why should we be different? 

My most consistent feelings are that I'm running out of time, to pack, to enjoy my friends, to finally share that missionary experience, and to be ready for what is coming next.

All these negative feelings are then judged, and found wanting. I should have more faith. I know we will be okay.

Do you have some time you could lend me?