Thursday, May 19, 2011

early morning frustrations

We were in a hotel this last weekend for my cousin's wedding. One morning Babs woke up early, and wouldn't go back to sleep. We tried to comfort her, but there was only wailing on her part. Kiddo tried to sleep through it, but was unsuccessful. This became clear when she sat up in her bed, and yelled "Mom! Why is she crying?!" At that request I picked her up, and brought her to my parents room, where she slept peacefully for the next 45 minutes.

This morning she woke up with wet underwear at 6:30 am. [side note: she now sleeps with underwear, and is almost always dry. I'm very proud of her. She will tell you, I have a special pad on my bed, so now I can sleep in my underwear.] I was mentally preparing myself for a long morning, as we assessed her bed (hardly wet at all), took her to the potty, and changed her underwear. But as she was sitting on the potty she exclaimed "I want to be in my bed!" So we got her there as fast as we could, and left her there. Not only was it not an early morning for me, but she slept for three more hours.

It seems more and more true that Kiddo, just like her daddy, really likes her bed in the morning.