Saturday, May 21, 2011

full name

After a full morning of errands, I was just trying to get the girls to the car. As usual, Kiddo was interested in everything, so we had stopped to play under a maple tree, observe another tree, investigate the ants, and did I mention I just wanted to get to the car?

"C'mon Kiddo" I sighed, hefting Babs to my other side, starting again to walk to the car.

A few steps later I turn around to check that she's following. She is not, in fact she is heading in the opposite direction, which happens to be in the direction of a fairly busy road.

"Kiddo!" I yell. "Come here!" She has stopped by now, looking at some weeds in the grass, continuing to commune with the tree, but certainly not coming. I yell her name a few more times.

"Kiddo Jones!" I yell, using her full name to underscore the importance of her listening to me NOW. She jumps up, gives me the look that tells me she now knows she has crossed the line of my patience, and starts running towards me.

"Mama Jones!" she yells back, "I'm coming!"

Mysteriously, my frustration evaporated, as I laughed our way back to the car.