Tuesday, May 1, 2012

some thoughts on Babs

I never want to forget that sweet chipped tooth grin.

Or that she says "noo-noo" instead of "noodle."

Or that she calls elephants "el-steps" because of a video (Elephant Steps) we watched a thousand times.

Or that she sings "pin-kle, pin-kle, yittle stah" and about 30 other recognizable songs. When we listen to "looby-loo" in the car she yells to me "Mama! I shake!"

I want to remember her crazy laugh when she's about to do something we all know is wrong, or how she grabs jammies and onesie and proclaims them "mine!" just to frustrate her sister.

Two years later, she still winds her hands in my hair for comfort, and will try to sneak in a touch of Kiddo's hair when their watching TV and she hopes it won't be noticed.

"C'mon I show you," she says, as she takes my hand in her little pudgy one, and leads me to her room so we can play.