Wednesday, March 21, 2012

scripture time

This morning Kiddo woke up before I could read my scriptures, so I was trying to do it while she was sitting next to me, which meant we did a lot of talking, and not so much reading.

Her: What are you doing?
Me: Reading my scriptures.
Her: Why?
Me: So I can learn about what Heavenly Father wants me to do.
Her: (very excited) Can you teach me and Babs?
Me: (fairly humbled) Yeah.

Her question meant a lot to me because I've been thinking a lot about needing to teach them the Gospel. And it's a reminder to me that I need to be diligent in this effort.


Kiddo asks me lots of questions right now. Many of them are in the form of "why?" A lot of time it pushes me to the edge of my patience. (For example, I fell down the stairs on Monday. As I'm crying at the bottom of the stairs, trying to stop crying and assess how seriously I'm hurt, and reflect on the absurdity that my iPhone is still playing my quiet music, she keeps asking me why I fell down the stairs.) But sometimes the questions are about our beliefs, and answering of the why of the Gospel, and it's nice to remember that this is a choice I freely make to keep the commandments. And I'm happy about it.