Three people in this house are super excited about potty training Babs. The one who will be primarily responsible for it (me) is not. (Not to say that Babs won't have a lot of work to do with it too, but her work is different. And she'll forget the pain of the first few days.) Whenever I think of it, I can't help but think about pee every where, and a mad little girl, and an overwhelmed mom, and I put it off. (She's not even 2, this is not unreasonable.)
She will ask to use the little potty sometimes. But mostly it is because she has figured out that if she does, some one will most likely read to her. (She will also request to be put to bed early for that same reason of reading books.) The real reason she loves to sit on the potty is that Kiddo is sometimes there too. And Babs is up for most anything that Kiddo is doing.

Case in point: Kiddo bumped her leg today, so she walked over to me, pulled her pants up past her knee, and showed me her injury. Babs followed right behind, crying about her knee that also needed to be loved better, and then her other leg too.