Monday, July 18, 2011

running argument

Kiddo loves her sleeping bag. It currently hangs out on her bed. She always wants me to curl up with her in it, or lie next to her on it, or just touch it. But it's a sleeping bag, so it's hot to be around. And our house is hot, her room especially because she likes to close her door.

Today she asked me again to sit next to her on her sleeping bag. "See, mom, there's room for you." (And there was.)

"Kiddo," I sighed. "What do I always tell you about your sleeping bag?"

"I don't know." (It's possible she never hears me.)

So I give her my reason that I give every time I try to avoid the sleeping bag: "It's hot. If I lie on it, I get hot. Sleeping bags are hot."

And she replied as she always does: "No it isn't. There is no steam coming from it."