Thursday, July 21, 2011

just a girl

We hung out with our Indian friends for the last time today. The boys were desperate to go outside and play with their water guns, even if it was over a 100 degrees outside. All the children happily tromped downstairs to the yard, but unfortunately there were only two water guns. R and D (the boys) shot everyone with the water guns for a little while, then Kiddo realized she didn't have one. So she got to borrow one for a little bit.

I'm not sure she knew the word "gun" before this. I had to show her how to use it. Then, even though she had been shot at for the last 5 minutes, she didn't think to aim it at anyone else, she jsut took it around the yard and watered the flowers. She's just a girl, not a boy, and that moment showed it to me again.

Then she found some chalk, and was very excited to draw on the sidewalk, relinquishing the gun without a second thought.