Last year we tried to have an excursion on Memorial Day. With a five week old, and an extraordinarily hot day, it was a bust.
Not to be discouraged, we tried again this year. I decided my family needed to see the Statue of Liberty. It was lots of fun. (It helps that the boat is only about 20 minutes away.) Of course the boat ride was a big success. And running around on the cool grass was also exciting.
The low moment was the random Indian couple who decided that their vacation pictures would not be complete without some cameos of my children, so tried to convince Kiddo to join them, and when that didn't work, took Babs out of my husband's arms so she could be in the shot. Really? Really. Why didn't I think to take a picture? Perhaps because I was too concerned about this weird couple who wanted my children in their photo album. We didn't protest too much because 1) it was just too weird, and we weren't thinking straight, and 2) we could easily outrun them, so it wasn't like the kids were going far. It made the couple very happy.
We did it!