Kiddo is trying hard to define her place in life, with the things that she can and cannot do. For example, babies spit up, but big girls shouldn't. Babies wear diapers, but big girls wear underwear. She's too big for the baby swing and the bouncy chair. But she can do things that babies can't, like eat good food*, play at the park, go on special trips with Daddy. But, even big girls can't touch the stove, get into the cabinet under the stove, or pick up Babs. Those are things that big girls can't do, but "big mamas and big dadas" can. Big girls also can't close their door in the car, not without making way more work for Moms. And, as is true for most any age, but especially this one, she really wants to do a lot of the things that are off limits, whether because she is too big or too small. I try to find reasonable substitutes, but sometimes, often, the answer is just no.
It's tough being in the middle ground.
*We'll know Babs is a big girl when she gets teeth. "She don'ts have any teeth" currently. According to Kiddo, that's the hallmark of being bigger.