They slept in "the big, big tent" that barely fit the two of them. Here she is in the only sleeping bag we have (he borrowed a tent). Daddy brought a few blankets, not nearly sufficient for the temperatures in the 50s that night. (But daughter slept fine.)
I prepared her during the week so that she would be ready for a night of just her and daddy, no mom or baby around. Luckily she's watched Little Bear go camping with his dad, so she knew just what they'd do. They'd have "camping sticks, and camping fire, and camping marshmallows."
Daddy was a little concerned about keeping her out of the fire. Turns out, it was not an issue. She wanted no part of the "camping fire." She explained that she "held daddy's shoulders, and the fire was hot" to describe how she hid behind him the whole time so as not to be too close.
We went out to dinner before the camping trip. As we headed for the door Kiddo kept trying to take the sleeping bag. I finally got her to understand that dinner came first, then we'd drop off Babs and Mama and then they'd go camping. After dinner, as we neared our house she yelled "okay Mama and Babs, get out so we can go camping!"
She loved it, and is ready to go again. I loved it, and support her opinion. (Thanks to a good husband who gave me a free night.)