*My husband loves his little girls. This picture illustrates it better than I can describe it. He looks this way with the other one too, when she submits to a little cuddling.
*People keep asking how Kiddo likes her little sister. While she hasn't told me what she thinks, she did cry for 20 minutes the day Baby was born when her dad told her that soon I would come home from the hospital with her. (We suspect it had more to do with my absence rather than Baby's addition.) But other than that, she's been very helpful, and is learning to yield some of her time to the baby. She has figured out that "the baby is biting Mama" which is eating time, and realizes that I really can't hold both of them at the same time, although I'm sure I'll learn. In reality, I think it's just one more change in her life. We've done a lot of those recently, so I'm sure she'll do just fine with this next one. And she sure loves to hold her.
*The other night while trying to fall asleep after a late night (early morning?) feeding, I found myself thinking the following: "I preferred the contractions at Kiddo's birth, but the tearing/stiches from Baby's." Now that is an example of choosing the lesser of two negative things.
*My haircut gets the birth of baby seal of approval. It still looked okay after hours of head smoothing to help me relax, and then when I finally got around to showering, and realized I didn't have any shampoo, I cleaned it with Dial soap, and it still did fine. My long hair would not have survived that.
*After only five days, it seems that Baby has been here with our family forever. I love that aspect of having children. As soon as they come, you wonder how your family existed without them.
*Of all the hormonal changes/fluctuations of a woman's life, baby blues irritate me the most. As I cry in the evening I know I'm just reacting to hormones, but I sure feel like I'm a failure at everything, and will never be fine again. It helps that this is my second time through this, so I can remind myself that *really* this too shall pass.
*I have a fair complexion, my husband more so, can any one tell me how we get babies with dark hair, skin, and eyes? And then how that all goes away?