Saturday, April 3, 2010

regression to the mean

After months of thinking about it, I finally set an appointment for Kiddo to see the pediatrician. I got a few recommendations, and then chose the one around the corner from our house. It would take longer to get in the car, park, get out of the car than it does to walk. (I'm not sure how the math will change with an infant...) Unfortunately the wait was super long. (Doubly unfortunate, I am way sensitive to imagined criticism, so my husband can't even complain about it.)

Kiddo's vital stats, at 2 years and 3 months are 36 inches tall, and 28 lbs. I laughed today, realizing that in the last year she's put on a whopping 8 lbs. It seems like it should be more given how much she's grown up, but perhaps a lot of that was developmental. What these measurements also mean is that she has moved past the ridiculously long and skinny stage. As opposed to being 95th percentile height and 25th percentile weight, she is now 75th percentile height and 50th percentile weight. I think that's great.

As for her doctor, well, I'm reserving judgment for right now. I'm sure I'll know better how I feel after a couple rounds of infant visits. And those will come soon enough.