Sunday, April 11, 2010

not so simple math

I'm okay with the idea that my brain functions at less than optimal levels during pregnancy, especially late pregnancy. I've come to grips with the fact that I can lose my train of thought mid-sentence, that I have trouble telling people where things are, or in fact, naming things. I accept this as part and parcel of the experience, and realize that while my brain may never function the same, it will work again, and it will work well. (After all, I wrote a dissertation post-pregnancy.)

This is especially important for me to remember today. I was trying to subtract 60 from 1020 in my head. I couldn't. I tried it multiple ways, and each time my brain would short circuit without providing me with an answer. It didn't dawn on me to try to figure it out using paper and pencil, then I could have solved it. I eventually gave the problem to my husband with the instructions that I knew it was simple, but I was just not doing well, and I specifically instructed him not to laugh at me. To his defense, I think he was laughing at the situation.

In case you were wondering, the answer is 960. Of course.