Thursday, September 24, 2009

telling stories

Kiddo gets more expressive by the day. Not only does she add one to three words a day, but she's starting to tell stories. Right now she has three. She only repeats two words, and I fill in the details, but here they are.

"Ants. Feet." This tells us about the time she stood in an ant pile. After standing there (I didn't know!), she miraculously came the second time I asked her too (she does not come easily). As I put her in her car seat, she announced to me that "annss. feet." I miraculously understood her on the first statement, looked at her feet, and sure enough, there were at least 20 fire ants climbing on her feet. I quickly took of her sandals and brushed them clean. She only had 4 bites, which stopped bothering her by the time we left the parking lot. But it left quite an impression. Every day for the last three or four days, at least once she tells me "Annss. Feet."

"Booke. Dass." This tells us about last night, when she grabbed for my glass of water (mostly empty) and dropped it on the floor, shattering the glass in a lot of pieces. I had to run to get her out of the glass before she started touching it. It took my mom quite a bit of time to clean it up (thanks) because of the size of the mess. But Kiddo is clear: "I booke. Dass."

"Airpane. Mo-ow." Kiddo is an airplane expert. Most loud noises have been attributed to airplanes, and she can spot them from the car, on the sidewalk..., she loves to see and identify airplanes. I told her that we were going to visit great-grandma in seattle tomorrow, and we would take an airplane. And thus began her next story: "Airpane. Mo-ow."