A lady from church called us up this evening and asked if we would like to stay at her house for the month of August. Her family goes on a long vacation, and they need someone to a) live there, b) hang out with the dog, c) tend the garden. "Would you be interested?" she asked. I replied sincerely and humbly, "It is an answer to prayer - to many prayers. Yes, we're interested."
You see, our lease ends on July 31st, and my husband won't be done with school yet. We had no place to go, and now we do. As added blessings, a) she mentioned we could stay even after they got back, because they have plenty of space, b) they have a dog which will be a thrill for Kiddo, and c) my husband has lamented more than once that we have no garden, and now we will.
Wow. Prayers offered, answers came.