Monday, May 18, 2009

first family home evening

My mom was determined that we should family home evening with Kiddo this week, and since I feel only guilt about not having it yet with her, I of course agreed. We have many excuses as to why we have yet to start holding FHE with her, all of which come down to we just haven't. Like everything I'd like to do in life that isn't my dissertation, I will get to it SOON.

My mom reminded me that for her age, all we need is an opening song, an opening prayer, a quick story (preferably with a spiritual message, this week: Heavenly Father made animals), a closing prayer and a treat. So we had FHE yesterday morning before church so my dad could be there too. I am remorseful that Kiddo's dad wasn't there for her first time, but that's how it goes.

As we gathered together, my daugher had NO desire to be in the room we were in, in fact she actively desired to be somewhere else. She protested when I guided her in, and was distraught when I closed the door behind her so she had to stay in. She spent the first few moments of FHE wandering around fussing about being here. Just before I grabbed her so we could get started, I thought "this does not bode well for the future of our FHE."

But then we sang a song, and from that moment on she was hooked. 10 minutes later (she is only 17 months old) we were done and she was on her way again. There was no treat.