Monday, April 13, 2009

a release

Yesterday I was released from my calling as Stake Young Women's President. There are still a few loose ends to tie up (for example, I have 12 table cloths still hanging in my closet, and the church key), but today I feel strangely focused. It's as if a large portion of my worries have suddently disappeared - oh wait, they have, they are someone else's responsibility now.

There are not other things clamouring in my head for attention, there is not an alternate to-do list (one for school, one for church). I just do school today. Kiddo hangs out with Grandma. It's so quiet in my head. I could get used to this.

One other time in my life has a release felt this liberating, it was when I returned home from my mission. I loved my calling, but I can appreciate the silence.