The first one she said was "da-da." She says this word on command, and I use it shamelessly to defuse bedtime stress. When my husband is losing patience I tell Kiddo to say it, she smiles and complies, and my husband is reduced to putty. I'm not sure how long this will work, but he even knows what I'm doing and still succumbs to the trick. Today she announced "da-da" when she found the recorder, not because she thinks it's him, but because he plays it with her.
The first word she volunteered was "bye." Since she has waved bye-bye for a long time, we instruct her to "say bye-bye" all the time, when we're leaving, when a parent is leaving, when we put the computer away, turn off the TV, or whatever. One day she started saying it too.
And then there's the first word she uses in multiple contexts, which is "mama." She says it sometimes when she sees me, sometimes when she wants me, and she used it on Sunday when I bore my testimony, so my husband had to remove her from the chapel because she was so loudly horrified that I left, and she pointed to the speaker to identify whose voice she heard.
I think she's about to say "Jesus." She recognizes Him in many pictures, and said something almost like it when we were looking at her sacrament book on Sunday. I would like her to learn that word.
She may only know a few words, but she loves to talk. Call us up, and you'll hear.