Monday, September 8, 2014

I'm bored

Kiddo finally uttered the awful phrase "I'm bored!" last Saturday. Although the plan in my head for this moment had always been, "well, then, let's do some chores!" I decided to just wing it.

"How exciting!" I replied. "Boredom always comes before you come up with some interesting new thing to do. How will you stop being bored? Oh, but get your sister a drink of water before you figure this out..."

She did not think this was exciting, but did get Babs a drink of water.

"I have something I'd like to do..." she started.

"What's that?"

"Could I watch something?" she cautiously asked. I couldn't restrain myself.

"What a great idea! Babs is right here! You can watch her, she's funny." This made Kiddo laugh, but she didn't want to watch Babs. "The Boy?" I offered, "He's pretty cute..." Then my good husband walked in the door. "Dad!" I called out. "You can watch Dad!"

Once she stopped laughing she said "You know what I want to watch."

"Yes, and I'm going to need you to say it."

I did let her watch TV after all that work she put in to see it.