Wednesday, January 23, 2013

something about 5

Recently, Kiddo has grown up. I just turned around, and she was older. She listens better. She is more helpful. She is better at entertaining herself. She reads before she goes to sleep (as opposed to us being with her). She grew into a school kid, even if she has six more months (no seven!) before the real action begins. (But, she is still five, screams when teased by her sister, needs help putting on her tights, and well, maybe someday she'll buckle her own seatbelt...)

The other day she informed me that they still learn the letters at preschool because some of the kids don't know them. This is a compassionate view of what could be a very boring situation for her (learning her letters when she can already read). And she loves preschool.

No joke, I am nervous about the big step of sending her to school next fall. But I can't see her any where else - she's ready for a bigger world than our home. And now she actually looks and acts it.