Sunday, October 2, 2011

who they are (in photos)

Here we are at a historical park near the chiropractor. Babs loves to push. Kiddo loves to ride, and read. Pamphlets are great reading.

She was getting older, hair longer, and swimming for a month this summer meant that Kiddo needed a trim. Which also means the baby curls are (mostly) gone. Mom insisted I needed a before shot. Here it is. Note two things: 1) Babs coming in for a free hair pull. 2) Kiddo patiently trying to minimize the pain, but just letting it happen. Babs has got a really good big sister. Hopefully she recognizes this as she gets older.

(We're also hoping that hair pulling and her newest game "Push" won't generalize to other children, like for example, those in nursery. What are the chances?)