Recently, as I implored my Heavenly Father for insight on how to feel less overwhelmed with my life, he told me to start working. He did not mean to find a job. Instead, He implied that I should pull out my long-term to-do list, and start accomplishing things. As you can imagine, it's been great instruction.
I also felt I needed a long term project. After pondering this for a while, I decided I needed to turn my dissertation into a journal manuscript (publication is another matter entirely). I talked to my husband, and Friday mornings are my work time, while he takes care of the girls.
This is our first Friday. I've now been thinking great intellectual thoughts for about three hours now, and am thoroughly enjoying myself. But as I heard him greet the girls as they woke up, and listen to their stories, and do the things we do in the morning, I missed my role as the center of their universe.
I am glad to share that position with my excellent husband this morning, and other Fridays for a while, and I am sure later this afternoon I'll be tired of the limelight again. What it really assured me is, as much as I love to use my great brain, I love to use it for them, to be a mom all the time, and to be the first and strongest influence in their lives. I get about five years of this for each child. I am trying to take full advantage of it.