Of all the things this place is, it is certainly a place where we can serve God. The members of our little congregation have many issues and concerns in their lives, and my husband and I are often in the thick of helping. We are grateful to do this. It is nice to give (although we were also grateful to receive).
Currently, much of my free time, and not so free time, is spent helping a new family to our area. They are from Africa, but spent the last few years in Moscow. They speak French, a tribal language, and Russian, plus a very little English. Because I was a missionary in France many years ago, I speak English, with some French. Between my French language skills, and the fact that we live just around the corner from them, we have been doing a lot to help them get settled. The biggest hurdle is registering their four school age children into school.
The school district says it is a three step process, but it's really closer to four or five. And I am part of every step so I can translate and also smooth over cultural barriers. We've had two visits to schools so far. The first visit was fine. The second time, the school nurse was not happy to help. Luckily that time I had Babs in tow. Once the nurse got a glimpse of those amazing blue eyes and sweet smile she softened up towards us (yay for the power of babies!). Tomorrow we have doctor's appointments. Then vaccinations. Then more school visits. My goal is to have them registered within the next two weeks.
Then I can work on my next issue: getting Babs to only wake up once a night instead of twice. And then to sleep through the night. Because I think that if we can get her to sleep through the night, then she'll stop waking up Kiddo, and maybe, just maybe, then we can all get some rest.