Tuesday, June 9, 2015

popstar dreams

Babs got the movie "Barbie Princess and the Pop Star" from the library today. Since we have already read the book three or four times (also from the library), we knew the story line. As Babs heard the theme song, she was thrilled.

"This is the song from my guitar! It's a pop star guitar! You bought it for me mom, thank you!"

"Actually Grandma bought it for you."

"We need to send her a note to say thank you" she gushed. (Dear Grandma, thank you for the Pop Star guitar. If only mom would find it for me, then I could play it every day again. I love the Pop Star!)

She's had the guitar for at least two years. Before receiving the guitar, every time we'd go to Target, she would find it, and press the buttons on the display. She loved it. So I swallowed my distaste, and told Grandma it would be a perfect gift. I believe Grandma had to look at a few stores to finally get it. And it is well loved.

When we first moved into this house, before all the toys were unpacked, and the clutter reigned supreme, it was one of the girls favorite activities: They would march around our area rug, one of them "playing" the guitar while the other sang along. Hours and days of fun have come from the popstar guitar.

And tomorrow we get to watch the movie again. (I'm so excited.) Babs wants a Pop Star Barbie. And pop star boots. And a pop star dress.

She used to have a skirt that she called her pop star skirt. Since it was too small, I passed it on. But today, now that she better understands the awesomeness that is the pop star, she wants another one. Sigh.