Friday, April 17, 2015

ear infection

Over the weekend my family picked up a cold. Kiddo skipped a day of school because of it, but Babs and the Boy barely seemed phased. (Well, Babs coughs a lot at night, but it certainly hasn't slowed her down in any way...) But knocked both me and my husband down for a few days. He had a fever, and stayed home from work. And my cold morphed into a ear infection.

My children have never had ear infections. According to my mom, the last time I had one is when I was three. But I have one now. And it's pretty miserable. As is spraying saline up my nose in an effort to reduce the congestion. I am so sorry that I ever inflicted that on my children, and I've done it plenty.

So although the weather has been beautiful all week, we've driven to and from school, because that's the energy I have. I don't actually get sick very often. I'm just ready to be done.