Wednesday, December 7, 2011


There's this super game called MadGab, where you read a set of nonsensical words or phrases, and the people listening to you have to guess what you're really saying. For example, say "Had vend kale lender." What do you think that means?

Did you guess "advent calendar"? That's right. I love this game.

And it's a good thing, because starting Monday morning, Babs decided it was time to talk. She must have added 30 new words that day. And she keeps adding more each day, trying new words, and new sentences.

The tricky part is she's only 19 months old. So her pronunciation and inflection is often off. Her sentences and words sound mostly okay, but usually only after you've deciphered them.

Today she said "Ah nee a wahp." Yes, she wanted, or more precisely, needed a wet wipe, because she loves wipes.

Mad Gab, all day long. Part of the reason I love the game is because I'm good at it. I had no idea this talent would be so useful.