Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dear Santa,

Tonight Kiddo wrote a thank you note to Santa. (I guess all that practice from her birthday party paid off.) I quote (to the best of my memory):
"Dear Santa,
Thank you so much for the doll house and the furniture. I really love them. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I would like some dolls please. And an opener for the toilet. It doesn't open.
My cousins and I loved our presents.
I love you,

Her cousin then asked her what she was doing. She told him she was writing a thank you note to Santa. He said Santa wouldn't be able to read it (as she only scribbles). She did not believe him.

"Santa will love it," she insisted. "When he reads it, he will say 'I love this, Kiddo.'"


She, like her cousin, likes Santa best from afar. This is how she feels about him in person: