Tuesday, February 8, 2011

you be the mama...

Within the last few months Kiddo has gone from no pretend to all pretend. I assume this is how she learns about different responsibilities and relationships. Right now there is a lot of family pretend. She assigns each person a family member. Babs is always assigned a role, although she doesn't really get into character.

For a while the most popular was when she would be the mama, I would be the big girl, and Babs would be the baby. This basically means that I call her Mama, she calls me Sweetheart, and I get told that I'm to little to do things like pick up the baby or use the stove.

She also likes to be the baby. In this role she fake cries a lot, sits in Babs' chair to eat, and talks in a really high-pitched voice.

Sometimes we are the Wonder Pets (she is always the duck, Ming Ming). Today we were student and teacher (okay, brag moment: she knows almost all the sounds the letters make!).

Her favorite though, is pretend ballerina. "I'll be the ballerina, you be the people. I will dance on the stage, you will throw roses at me."