Friday, August 21, 2009

rays of light

I took Kiddo to the park that is behind our old home today. As we pulled into the parking lot she started exclaiming "yay! yay! yay!" from the back seat. She likes it there. As it had been raining for the most of the morning, it didn't take her long to find a puddle with lots of good mud, which she proceeded to splash all over herself (shirt, pants, hair, eyelids, etc.). I noticed what was going on a little too late, so just let her have fun. (So after we picked up dad, she went to Target without any pants, ahh, to be 20 months old. And called a lot of attention to herself as she dragged the basket around by herself. No help needed or wanted or allowed from the parents. Luckily we didn't need much.)

Later, she was going down the slide with the little boy that was our neighbor. As she would get to the bottom of the slide (it's about a six footer) she announced "fun. fun. more-one" as she walked around to the steps again.

She is no longer afraid of the dog or its barking, and is in fact getting just plain bossy to the dog. She calls out with me "aah-ee," when I call out "Allie" and tells her to "siit. siit. siit." all the time.

There are lots of things that are surprising, confusing, and just plain difficult in our life right now. Kiddo is our relief from all of that.