On the way to the zoo (while visiting Grandma) she told me that she had lost her pretend suitcase. I asked her where it went. She told me that it fell out the window of the car. I wondered if it was necessary/appropriate to lecture one's child about responsibility for one's belongings, if that belonging is pretend? (It has since been recovered.)
Yesterday my mom said on the phone, "I know, I have tons on my forehead." "Mom," Kiddo announced, "Grammy has tongues on her forehead!" Surprising news indeed.
Primary has been nothing but a learning experience for Kiddo. She's only been two weeks, but knows so much more. Two weeks ago, she told us all week about having a spirit body while being with Heavenly Father and then getting a human body when we come to earth. That is good doctrine.
Last week the lesson was on forgiveness, which means they learned the Bible story of Joseph being sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers, but he forgave them. Kiddo informed her class that when she was a baby, she had been sold to the circus. By her dad. But she forgave him. So we're all happy now.