Sunday, April 14, 2013

a conversation between two little girls

My husband announced to the girls this morning (in the we have before church) that he needed to plan a lesson, and mom needed a nap, so they should play together. They both happily agreed.

Babs: "Let's go to my room!"

Kiddo: "No, let's read a book together."

Babs (with much wailing): "Nooooo! Daddy said we need to PLAAAYYY!" (I love her selective obedience.)

Kiddo (giving in, as is typical between the two of them): "Okay." She goes to Babs' room. "Let's play with your little people."

Babs: Okay.

The fact that my two girls play together often and well is a tremendous blessing to me.

 (This picture is from our last, late snow storm in March. Babs is supposedly being potty trained, and Kiddo has hives, but they're still outdoors. You got to seize the moment with snow in this place.)