The problem with not blogging consistently is that I don't know what I've covered and not.
So first a memory: when the boy was very small, he would cover his eyes and suck his thumb. Adorable. And hysterical. Here's a good shot:
Then as he got bigger, he stopped covering his eyes, and instead started burying his head in my neck, so his face wouldn't show. Here he is last winter, at a friend's house. He didn't open his eyes the entire time we were there, but did hold his hand out for a donut when he heard the bag rustle. He ate it with his eyes closed.
And for a season he grabbed his neck and sucked his thumb.
And then it was his armpit, which was really funny.I don't think I ever got a picture of that, though I tried.
And now his comfort item of choice is... our neck (mine or my husband's, whoever is holding him).
Head on shoulder (sometimes facing out, sometimes facing in) with hand firmly there. Sometimes he squeezes a little. He used to squeeze a lot, but it hurt so we convinced him to be gentle.
The other day a friend was saying something to me, then stopped mid sentence to laugh, "I just noticed you were being strangled."
I really don't notice any more; it's what he does. As I said to her, "Yeah, it's weird, but I know I'll miss it when it goes away."
Then there's the story my husband told me. He puts the boy to bed most nights. The other night the boy was very restless. He tried to climb down from the chair they were rocking in, he tried to climb off, and finally just sank down as low as he could on my husband's lap to protest the going to bed. Then suddenly the Boy's hand shot up, grabbed my husband's neck, squeezed for a bit, then he quickly fell asleep.