My grandpa tells us not to teach our children to walk or to talk, because it just gets complicated after they learn those things. While I try to take his advice, I've had no luck with this particular piece. But I do recognize that he has a point.
My boy has been babbling sweet nothings behind me in the car for months now (possibly a year...). And I love it - a little background music to my life. But every once in a while I would think "Oh no! Before long there will start to be words, then I will have to listen and respond" and I would sigh, resigned that all in all, talking is a useful skill.
And now it's here.
"Knah-Knah!" "who's there?"
"Pane!" "Do you see a plane?"
"Tuck." "Yes, there's a truck."
"Buhssss." "Oh, I see the bus too."
"Choo-chooo!" "Yes, this is an overpass" (just like the one where the train is).
"Bah." "Yes, you and Babs can both have a Nutty Bar."
"Lub-lub!" "No, I don't have a drink for you. Sorry."
The redeeming side of these simple conversations, is that although I repeat what he says a lot, he's repeating what I say a lot, and adding new words every day.