Tuesday, March 12, 2013

honesty, about the bed

The second day of a big girl bed was not as smooth as the first. It was Sunday, so there was no nap (curse you - 1:30 church!). So Babs was exhausted by the end of the day. But by the time we'd got her ready for bed, she had her second wind.

In some familial delusion we put her down at her regular time. About three minutes later, she emerged, telling us happily that she woke up. We let her stay up for a while, then tried to put her back down again the same time Kiddo went. Again, she came out five minutes later. I finished settling Kiddo (have I mentioned Kiddo reads before bed, which means it only takes 15 minutes to put her to bed? I love it!), then went back with Babs. (All her other puttings to bed were done by my husband, so it seemed like my turn.) She and I talked about big girls staying in bed, I sang her some songs, and left. I also locked the door behind me. (I unlocked it before I went to bed myself.)

Upon reflection, perhaps changing her bed the day before daylight savings time began was not our best move. But Monday went very smoothly, so maybe it was just the typical hiccups. It's so nice not to lift her in and out of bed any more.