Monday, September 3, 2012

ready, set...

Through a series of non-decisions, my girls wake up in the morning, drink a glass of milk, and watch TV. We've been doing this routine for months. It means a late breakfast, a late lunch, an on-time dinner that no one is hungry for, and ridiculously huge bedtime snacks. I love the way I don't have to engage as a mom first thing in the morning. But I am not proud of this routine, and I think it is having some negative consequences.

Thankfully, preschool starts on Wednesday. So I've been prepping Kiddo that things will change when school starts. Namely, we will not be watching TV in the morning. And breakfast comes before chocolate milk. (I can see it now, the negotiations we will be having every morning about how much breakfast has to be eaten before the chocolate milk...) This will be our schedule whether or not there is preschool. There is no preschool tomorrow.

I'm nervous. I have to be on first thing in the morning. I can't ignore them. What if I'm not up to the challenge? I am convinced this is a good thing for our little family. I am also quite sure that the first few weeks are going to be challenging.