Kiddo is very focused on the idea of going to high school. I've told her that this won't happen for 10 years, but as that concept has no meaning for her, we still talk about it a lot.
Tonight as I was putting her to bed, she asked me for a story when I was in high school. What story from high school can you tell to a 4-year old? So I told her how I was in choir, and my friend would "boing" my curly hair. Then she asked me to tell her a story of her in high school.
As always happens when she wants to know what it will be like, I'm at a loss. I can describe to her a typical high school, except she has no frame of reference to understand it. Plus, I can't help but wonder if I even know what a typical high school is like any more, and then I really wonder what it will be like when she gets there.
So instead I mention the great constant: You'll probably take a bus. You will have a friend on the bus with you.
And that was good enough for Kiddo. She then told me how they could show each other all their high school stuff on the bus, and she would bring two apples for a snack, one for her and one for her teacher. (I couldn't help thinking at this point: you'll need more than one extra apple kid.) And she had one more idea of what they could do on the bus, sing. Specifically, she'll be singing "The Wheels on the Bus."
I can add this to my list of fun things to tell her when she starts high school. Another great thing I can tell her is that she was super anxious to get a toy make-up set, and bring it to show-and-tell. My dad tells me that this news will get an eye roll from her. I agreed, but countered that since I'm going to get eye rolls any way, I might as well provoke a few too.