Kiddo: No, no, no
(she likes an up-close media experience, for tv or computer it seems)
Kiddo: Aright, letz dance. Sance. Sance. Sance...
Mama: What should we have for breakfast?
Kiddo: Bed [bread]. Jam. Bed. Jam.
Kiddo: Pants off
Mama: I'm not helping you. If you want them off, take them off.
OR Daddy: No.
Kiddo: Shirt off.
Parent: No.
Kiddo: Read book. (applies to all books, with or without pictures)
Kiddo: Sing.
Mama: What should we do today?
Kiddo: Puter [computer].
Kiddo (after being picked up or wanting to be carried): Carry you, Mama.
All of the above are the soundtrack to my life. The next one is much more rare.
Kiddo (after being picked up): I yuv you mama. Soft. Mama soft. Mama soft yike doggie.
Thanks kiddo. I yuv you too.